Encryption is vital
At Mythic Beasts we make use of free secure encryption all the time. Like all powerful tools such as roads, trains, aeroplanes, GPS navigation, computers, kitchen knives, vans and Casio watches; things that are very useful for day to day life are also useful for criminals and terrorists. It’s very popular for our politicians and the Home Office, especially our current prime minister King Canute Theresa May and leader of The Thick Party, to suggest that fully secure encryption should be banned and replaced with a weaker version that will reveal all of your secrets but only to the UK security services.
We disagree and think this is a terrible idea. There’s the basic technical objection that a backdoor is a backdoor and keeping knowledge of the backdoor secret is essentially impossible. There’s a recent practical demonstration of this: the NSA knew of an accidental backdoor in Windows and kept it secret. It was leaked, resulting in the thankfully not very effective WannaCry virus which disabled substantial fractions of the NHS. The government is very good at scope creep: the Food Standards Agency refused to disclose why it needs the power to demand your entire internet history. We think it fundamentally wrong that MPs excluded themselves from the Investigatory Powers act. Then there’s simple commercial objections: it’s a slight commercial disadvantage if every UK product has an ‘Insecure By Order of The Home Office’ sticker on the front when your foreign competitors products don’t.
However, Mathematics does not care what our politicians wish and refuses to change according to their desires. Strong cryptography is free, available on every computer, and can be given away on the front of a magazine. Taking away secure cryptography is going to involve dragging a playstation out of your teenagers’ hands, quite literally stealing from children. Of course secure communications will still be available to any criminal who can illegally access some dice and a pencil.
It’s a good job you can’t build encryption machines with childrens toys.
At Mythic Beasts we make extensive use of open source free cryptography. OpenSSH protects our administrative access to the servers we run and the customers we manage. OpenSSL protects all our secure web downloads, including last month’s million or so copies of Raspbian ensuring that children with a Raspberry Pi don’t have their computer compromised. We make extensive use of free certificates through Let’s Encrypt and we’ve deployed tens of thousands of upgraded packages to customers which are securely verified by GnuPG.
Without these projects, vast quantities of the internet would be insecure. So we’ve made donations to OpenSSH, GnuPG and Let’s Encrypt to support their ongoing work. We’d like to donate to OpenSSL but we can’t see easily how to pay from a UK bank account.