Let’s Encrypt wildcard certificates

Wildcard… sounds a bit like wildcat… cat pics!
Photo by Peter Trimming, CC BY 2.0
We’ve just made some changes to our plugin for dehydrated in order to better support Let’s Encrypt wildcard certificates.
Unlike normal certificates, which can be obtained using a web-based challenge, Let’s Encrypt’s wildcard certificates require a DNS-based challenge. In other words, you need to prove that you can control the DNS for the domain for which you are requesting a wildcard certificate.
Mythic Beasts provides a simple API for controlling DNS, which makes it possible to automate the process of responding to these challenges, and we provide a plugin for the popular dehydrated client that does just this.
We’ve just deployed a minor change which means that it’s now possible to obtain a single certificate for a domain, and a wildcard under that domain.
Access to our DNS API is included with all domain registrations. For more information, please see our instructions on using DNS-based challenges wih Let’s Encrypt. Please note that in order to obtain wildcard certificates you need to be using dehydrated version 0.6.0 or later.