
The European Bio-informatics Institute used x-rays and a lot of hard maths to draw the above picture of the main covid-19 protein.
We provide critical infrastructure to many other companies who rely on our services. Covid-19 could significantly change day to day life everywhere. At present we don’t believe it will have a significant effect on our operations.
Remote working
Mythic Beasts has always been a distributed company with no central office; all staff members normally work from home. As a result adopting remote working recommendations or enforcement will have no significant impact on our day to day operations. Normally, we have a weekly optional meeting for staff around Cambridgeshire and a compulsory all company meeting roughly once every six weeks. Migrating these meetings to conference calls will have minimal operational impact.
Reducing travel
Our sales process has always been online. We don’t routinely meet customers and have a very light attendance at conferences and industry events. Our next scheduled events are UKNOF (Manchester, April) and LINX (Manchester) both of which offer remote participation should it become necessary.
Financial stability
Mythic Beasts has been profitable every year since 2001 and carries no debt. We maintain significant cash reserves so we can self-finance routine expansion and other business opportunities, and weather unforeseen circumstances. We understand that many consider this an inefficient use of capital, but we can definitely pay our bills in the event of a global pandemic crippling the economy for a short period.
Sensible staff policies
Our staff members are provided with private healthcare. They also get sick leave which they are expected to take if ill. We also provide 30 days + bank holidays holiday to all staff members as standard and we strongly encourage them to have a two week contiguous holiday in order that we know we can operate without them in the event of sickness. We have sufficient staff levels that in the event of multiple staff members being ill for an extended period day to day operations can be maintained and only longer term projects should be delayed.
Supplier issues
We maintain stock of key components to cope with hardware failure although for some months we’ve been seeing very long lead times for hardware, especially CPUs and SSDs. This may impact our lead times for larger orders of dedicated servers or custom hardware. We think it likely that our data centre and connectivity providers may implement a change freeze as they do annually over the Christmas period and at other key times (e.g. the 2012 Olympics). This is a familiar operating environment and utilising multiple providers in multiple countries will help to mitigate this.
2020-03-12 : We run our own private phone conference and IRC service so we’re not affected by the reported load issues at the major public providers Slack, Teams, Zoom etc.
In summary, we think that day to day operations shouldn’t be affected but if you have any concerns get in touch at