If you put your mind to it

October 21st, 2015 by

With today being Back To The Future day, it’s worth reflecting on two pieces of advice I received in the mid 1980s. The best piece of advice was definitely from the film:

‘If you put your mind to you, you can accomplish anything’.

the worst was my mother:

‘Stop playing on your Spectrum and go and do your piano practice’

I’m not certain this generalises, I think that largely your parents do give better advice than Hollywood script writers.

IPv6 Graphing

October 15th, 2015 by
it's a server graph!

it’s a server graph!

One of the outstanding tasks for full IPv6 support within Mythic Beasts was to make our graphing server support IPv6 only hosts. In theory this is trivial, in practice it required a bit more work.

Our graphing service uses munin, and we built it on munin 1.4 nearly five years ago; we scripted all the configuration and it has basically run itself ever since. When we added our first IPv6 only server it didn’t automatically get configured with graphs. On investigation we discovered that munin 1.4 just didn’t support IPv6 at all, so the first step was to build a new munin server based on Debian Jessie with munin 2.0.

Our code generates the configuration file by printing a line for each server to monitor which includes the IP address. For IPv4 you print the address as normal,, for IPv6 you have to encase the address in square brackets [2a00:1098:0:82:1000:0:1:1]. So a small patch later to spot which type of address is which and we have a valid configuration file.

Lastly we needed to add the IPv6 address of our munin server into the configuration file of all the servers that might be talked to over IPv6. Once this was done, as if by magic, thousands of graphs appeared.

Professor Cathie Clarke, Ada Lovelace day

October 13th, 2015 by

Unless you really like maths, you’re probably better off just looking at the pictures.

Today is Ada Lovelace day, where we celebrate the achievements of women in the traditionally male dominated fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

Mythic Beasts came about as a side project of a bunch of students, most of whom studied at Clare College Cambridge. As a Cambridge student you receive supervisions, hour long tutorials in sets of two or three. You also live in the college for three years and some fellows of the college also have rooms in the same accommodation. As luck would have it, our director Pete was partnered with one of our other founders, Richard for supervisions in Physics, and in the second year they were jointly supervised by Professor Cathie Clarke and it turned out that her college room was directly opposite Pete’s in Clare Old Court.

This led to a slightly unusual arrangement, rather than everyone trekking into the department for supervisions they decided to hold them in Pete’s room at 8am, usually accompanied by a bacon sandwich and strong black coffee before heading off to lectures. Cathie was a superb teacher, neatly covering dynamics, orbits and effortlessly showing why practically the whole of spaceflight involves pointing your rocket motor in obviously the wrong direction in order to get to where you want to go. She also, neatly answered other questions including electro-magnetism that had stumped pretty much the whole year in Clare and all the supervisors in that subject, despite having had about sixty seconds notice and only half a cup of coffee.

Pete’s room was on the top right hand corner of this photograph, the bacon cooking kitchen roughly above the passageway.

There was a particularly memorable supervision, where Richard overslept and arrived very late to Pete’s room, anxious he’d missed the supervision. On waking Pete up, they jointly discovered the note on the door from Cathie apologising that she’d overslept and the supervision would need to be rescheduled. A co-incidence for which all parties were grateful.

So whilst her impressive CV gives away the huge publication list, professorship and that she’s the course coordinator for astrophysics; in person we had the privilege of knowing that she is also a superb prize-winning teacher, gifted researcher and somehow on top of all that, a lovely human being who occasionally oversleeps just like the rest of us.

iOS 9 and SSL

September 28th, 2015 by
We're still installing iOS9 for testing reasons onto this Apple Device

We’re still installing iOS9 for testing reasons onto this Apple Device

tl;dr iOS9 applications only work with the newest SHA-256 certificates. If your iOS9 application or website is showing certificate errors and you’d like some help, contact support@mythic-beasts.com

iOS9 was recently released which brings a number of changes. In addition to the widely publicised changes about IPv6 (iOS9 prefers IPv6 and all applications in the App Store must function without issue on an IPv6 only network), Apple has forced obsolescence of older types of SSL certificate.

SSL certificates use hashing functions to provide security. The Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1), was published by the NSA in 1995 as the standard for secure authentication. The first theoretical attacks were shown in 2005 leading to a recommendation in 2010 that we abandon SHA-1 and move to SHA-256. In 2014 Google put a sunset date for SHA-1 of December 2016 – if your website trusts an SHA-1 certificate past this date Chrome refuses to regard your site as secure.

With iOS9, Apple pulled the date at which everyday software stops working with SHA-1 forward. If your website or application is secured with a SHA-1 certificate, iOS9 gives warnings and errors. The fix is easy, we can provide or re-issue your existing certificate with an iOS9 compatible – and more importantly more secure – SHA-256 certificate.

UK IPv6 Council Forum, 2nd Annual Meeting

September 24th, 2015 by
2.5% of the UK had native IPv6 enabled by September 2015

September 2015: 2.5% of the UK has native IPv6

Yesterday was the second meeting of the UK IPv6 Council. Eleven months ago Mythic Beasts went along to hear what the leading UK networks were doing about IPv6 migration. Mostly they had plans, and trials. However, the council is clearly useful: Last year, Nick Chettle from Sky promised that Sky would be enabling IPv6 in 2015. His colleague, Ian Dickinson gave a follow-up talk yesterday and in the past two months UK IPv6 usage has grown from 0.2% to 2.6%. We think somebody had to enable IPv6 to make his graph look good for today’s presentation…

In the meantime, Mythic Beasts has made some progress beyond having an IPv6 website, email and our popular IPv6 Health Check. Here’s what we’ve achieved, and not achieved in the last twelve months.

Customer Facing Successes

  • IPv6 support for our control panel.
  • IPv6 support for our customer wiki.
  • Offered IPv6-only hosting services that customers have actually bought.
  • Added NAT64 for hosted customers to access other IPv4 only services.
  • Added multiple downstream networks, some of which are IPv6 only.
  • Raspberry Pi has a large IPv6 only internal network – 34 real and virtual servers but only 15 IPv4 addresses, and integrations with other parts of their ecosystem (e.g. Raspbian) are also IPv6.
  • IPv6 for all DNS servers, authoritative and resolvers
  • IPv6 for our single sign on authentication service (this was one of the hardest bits).
  • Our SMS monitoring fully supports IPv6 only servers (this was quite important).
  • Our backup service fully supports IPv6 only servers (this was very important).
  • Direct Debits work over IPv6, thanks to GoCardless

Internal Successes

  • IPv6 on our own internal wiki, MRTG, IRC channels
  • Full Ipv6 support for connectivity to and out of our gateway server.
  • IPv6 rate limiting to prevent outbound spam being relayed.
  • Everything works from IPv6 with NAT64.


  • Shared IPv4/IPv6 load balancer for providing v4 connectivity to v6 only hosted services.

Still to do

  • Our card payment gateway doesn’t support IPv6.
  • Our graphing service doesn’t yet support IPv6-only servers (edit – implemented 15th October 2015).
  • Automatic configuration for an IPv6-only primary DNS server which slaves to our secondary DNS service.
  • Billing for IPv6 traffic.
  • One shared hosting service still has incomplete IPv6 support. One shared hosting service has optional instead of mandatory IPv6 support.
  • Automatic IPv6 provisioning for existing server customers.
  • Make sure everything works from IPv6 with no NAT64.

Waiting on others

  • The management interfaces for our DNS wholesalers don’t support IPv6.
  • Nor our SSL certificate providers.
  • Nor our SMS providers.
  • Nor our card payment gateway.

Selling hardware into the cloud

September 22nd, 2015 by

A Cambridge start-up approached us with an interesting problem. In this age of virtualisation, they have a new and important service, but one which can’t be virtualised as it relies on trusted hardware. They know other companies will want to use their service from within their private networks within the big cloud providers, but they can’t co-locate their hardware within Amazon or Azure.

This picture is a slight over simplification of the process

This picture is a slight over simplification of the process

The interesting thing here is that the solution is simple. It is possible to link directly into Amazon via Direct Connect and to Azure via Express Route. To use Direct Connect or Express Route within the UK you need to have a telco circuit terminating in a Telecity data centre, or to physically colocate your servers. As many of you will know, Mythic Beasts are physically present in three such data centres, the most important of which is Telecity Sovereign House, the main UK point of presence for both Amazon and Microsoft.

So our discussion here is nice and straightforward. Our future customer can co-locate their prototype service with Mythic Beasts in our Telecity site in Docklands. They can then connect to Express Route and Direct Connect over dedicated fibre within the datacentre when they’re ready to take on customers. Their customers then have to set up a VPC Peering connection and the service is ready to use. This is dedicated specialised hardware from the inside of ‘the cloud’, and it’s something we can offer to all manner of companies, start-up or not, from any dedicated or colocated service. You only need ask.

Ethernet Speeds: expect 2.5Gbps on copper, 25Gbps on fibre

September 18th, 2015 by

Recently we went to UKNOF where Alcatel Lucent gave a helpful presentation on new ethernet speeds.

Currently most network connectivity is 1Gbps ethernet over Cat5e copper which stretches up to 100m. There is an infrequently used standard for 10Gbps over Cat6 copper to 55m for higher speeds.

Now demand is starting to appear for faster than 1Gbps speeds, and it’s very attractive to do this without replacing the installed base of Cat5e and Cat6 cabling. There are new standards in the pipeline for 2.5Gbps and 5Gbps ethernet over Cat5e/Cat6 cabling.

In the data centre it’s common to have 10Gbps over SFP+ direct attach for short interconnects (up to 10m) and 1Gbps/10Gbps/40Gbps/100Gbps over fibre for longer distances. 1Gbps and 10Gbps are widely adopted. 40Gbps and 100Gbps are a different design, implemented by combining multiple lanes of traffic at 10Gbps to act as a single link. 100Gbps has changed to be 4 lanes at 25Gbps rather than 10 at 10Gbps.

The more lanes you have in use, the more switches and switching chips you need – but effectively this means that 40Gbps has the same cost in port count as 100Gbps. The next generation of 100Gbps switching hardware will consist of a large number of lanes that run at either 10Gbps or 25Gbps. With current interfaces, you’d use 4 lanes for 100Gbps, 4 lanes for 40Gbps or 1 lane for 10Gbps. The obvious gap is using a single lane for 25Gbps standard so you can connect vastly more devices at greater than 10Gbps speeds.

So in the near future, we’re expecting to see 2.5Gbps and 25Gbps ethernet becoming available, and in the longer term work has now started on 400Gbps standards.

Linux for switches

September 14th, 2015 by

For a long time at Mythic Beasts we’ve had a fairly healthy dislike for managed switches. The configuration method of switches is akin to a database with auto-commit on every command – you can’t batch a series of configuration changes into an atomic update. This means that you not only need to think about your starting and end configurations, but you also need to think about all the intermediate configuration too and make sure you don’t accidentally explode everything with an unexpected switch loop. Switches are also expensive and it’s always rankled that we’re paying a lot of money in order to use a network operating system that’s user unfriendly. Some of them are often less stable than the servers they connect to and they seem to manage excellent vendor lock-in – there is no end of advice that you can’t plug standards compatible switches from different manufacturers into each other because you risk inter-operability issues.

We’ve recently started trying Linux switches — commodity switches running Cumulus Linux.

Cumulus Linux makes your switch appear like a standard-ish debian server, with a lot of NICs.
The interfaces on our “1G” model are:

eth0 management interface
swp1 – swp48 1G switch ports
swp49 – swp52 10G switch ports

The switch is configured via /etc/network/interfaces, and uses bridges, VLANs and bonds to set up the configuration.

Linux has lots of advantages as a switch operating system. For a start if you need to patch ssh, under linux you download a replacement digitally signed openssh package and restart the process, on a traditional switch you download a whole new firmware over insecure tftp and reboot the switch – unlucky for the people connected to the switch.

The first obvious difference when configuring these switches is that by default, the switch doesn’t switch any traffic until some configuration is put in.

We can set up a simple network:

 # The primary network interface
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static
        address xxx
        gateway xxx

 auto br0
 iface br0
         bridge-ports glob swp1-48
         bridge-stp on
         setmcsnoop 0

 auto br1
 iface br1
         bridge-ports glob swp49-52
         bridge-stp on
         setmcsnoop 0

This sets up the 1G ports (1-48) as a single VLAN, the 10G ports (49-52) as second VLAN, a management interface on the management port (eth0).

In this case we have an uplink on port 48 to a different network. So to migrate the uplink from our 1G network to our 10G network we would write out a new configuration file:

 auto br0
 iface br0
         bridge-ports glob swp1-47
         bridge-stp on
         setmcsnoop 0

 auto br1
 iface br1
         bridge-ports glob swp48-52
         bridge-stp on
         setmcsnoop 0

then bring the interfaces up with

 ifup -a

Note that ifup under Cumulus is different to standard Debian. It links to ifupdown2 which can inspect the current running state and apply only changes, rather than having to take an interface down and up on a standard server.

One deeply troubling thing about Cumulus Linux is it includes a minimal vi, but not a full implementation of vim.

But there are many other advantages that make up for this inexplicable oversight: being Debian-ish it has sudo, so you can give arbitrary permissions to multiple users rather than just show / enable / configure. You can easily update things with ssh. You can configure your switch with puppet. You can easily back up the entire configuration with rsync, version control it with etckeeper and bzr (sadly no git!). You can write code and run it directly on the switch which allows all kinds of options for monitoring and configuration.

We now have a few Cumulus Linux switches in production for private client networks. Here’s one providing lots and lots of bandwidth:

Even complex configurations can be handled relatively easily. For example, we have a customer with a private cloud who wants to run 20Gbps into each host, exposing different 10 different VLANs to their virtual servers, and then routing between them. This can be done on a 10G switch by bonding pairs of interfaces together, and then bridging the required VLANs on each of the bonded interfaces.

This config turns out to be nice and simple to write, and has the advantage of looking very similar on the switch and the server:

auto bond13            
iface bond13           
  bond-slaves swp1 swp2         
  bond-mode 802.3ad             
  bond-miimon 100               
  bond-use-carrier 1            
  bond-lacp-rate 1              
  bond-min-links 1              
  bond-xmit-hash-policy layer3+4
auto bond14            
iface bond14           
  bond-slaves swp3 swp4         

auto br-tag130
iface br-tag130
  bridge-ports bond13.130 bond14.130 ...

auto br-tag2544
iface br-tag2544
  bridge-ports bond0.2544 bond1.2544  ...

Stormy weather, the clouds are growing.

August 26th, 2015 by


A customer of ours has been extending their private cloud. This adds another 160 cores, 160Gbps, 2TB of RAM and over half a petabyte of storage. On the left you can see the black mains cable, then the serial for out of bound configuration, then red cabling for 1Gbps each to our main network, then 20Gbps per server to the very secure private LAN on SFP+ direct attach.

The out of place yellow cable is network for the serial server above, and the out of place black one is serial to the 720Gbps switch which isn’t quite long enough to route neatly.

There’s a few more bits and pieces to add, but soon it will join their OpenStack cloud and substantially increase the rate at which their data gets crunched.


Happy Incorporation Day to Us

August 14th, 2015 by

Happy Incorporation Day to Us
Happy Incorporation Day to Us
Happy Incorporation Day to Mythic Beasts
Happy Incorporation Day to Us

Fifteen years ago today someone with a boring job processed the paperwork and Mythic Beasts Ltd sprang into existence as a legal entity.

We had existed informally for a bit longer than that, we had registered the mythic-beasts.com that April, and our shell server, sphinx, had been running for a while, although it wouldn’t be until early 2001 that we sent our first invoice.

As we all work on t’internet, it’s difficult to all meet in the same pub this Friday for a celebratory drink. That will have to wait until our next full company meetup in September. Slamming the bedroom door, staying in and watching Brazil seems a more apt way for a teenage company to celebrate its bureaucratic anniversary.