More domain price reductions

October 11th, 2024 by
Pair of scissors about to cut a £30 note. But not a real one, because that would be illegal.

We’ve cut the price of domains costing £30/year or more. We originally had a photo of a real £30 note, but legal said “no“.

We’ve always taken a boringly old-fashioned approach to our domain registration business. We take the price that our supplier charges us, add a little bit more than it costs us to provide the service and sell them on. The price we charge covers the cost of providing support, DNS, and other things like foreign exchange and payment fees.

We don’t do introductory “loss-leaders” – selling domains at a loss for the initial period and then ramping up the price for renewals*. Our domain business isn’t a loss leader for other services, and we don’t offer barely-profitable prices that need to be subsidised by high margin add-ons that you don’t really need.

In fact, our domain pricing structure is so boring, that we wrote a simple script to do it for us. It pulls in wholesale prices from our supplier via an API, takes the current exchange rate, adds our margin, and sets our list prices.

When we set our current price structure, there were only a small number of Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) and they were mostly a similar price. Country-code TLDs (ccTLDs) are often more expensive, but they’re also often more bureaucratic and more expensive to support.

These days there’s a huge number of gTLDs with a huge range in price, with some gTLDs costing hundreds of pounds per year and the assumption that the more expensive domains are those with greater bureaucracy no longer holds.

In recognition of this, we’ve just rolled out a significant update to our pricing structure that better models our costs. The net result is that we’ve reduced the price of all non-UK domains with a one-year cost of more than £30+VAT and we’ve also increased the discount we offer for multi-year renewals and registrations across all domains.

You can view our updated prices at

The price reductions apply to renewals and transfers as well as new registrations, and as always, existing customers get the same prices as new customers.

All domain registrations include our DNS service, with a powerful DNS API, and support for DNSSEC (where supported by the gTLD).

Our sustainable pricing model means we have no need for nasty lock-in schemes. We’ve never charged transfer-out fees, and our DNS service makes it really easy to import and export your DNS records.

* Registries do sometimes offer promotional first year pricing.  In this case, we will pass on these discounts, but make the normal price clear in our price list.

Changes in

September 20th, 2024 by

The palace of Westminster where the government lives. Picture by Diliff

This year the back-end system for domain names ending in has migrated from JISC (the organisation that provides connectivity services to Higher Education in the UK) to Nominet (the organisation responsible for nearly all other .uk domains).

This brings a few significant changes for registrars who offer domain names:

  • There are enhanced security requirements for registrars. Nominet requires Cyber Essentials.
  • The wholesale costs have been reduced.
  • Registration periods other than 2 years are now possible.
  • All the processes and procedures are different: somethings are now easier, others are harder.

Mythic Beasts were already Nominet members and have now added the ability to register domain names through Nominet. All of our existing domain name customers have been migrated across transparently. We have also applied a price decrease, renewals are now £15+VAT rather than £75+VAT, and new domain registrations have also been reduced from £150+VAT for the first two years, to £89.50+VAT.

We’re aware that a number of registrars have opted not to continue offering domains due to the procedure changes and security requirements. We are able to accept transfers of domains in, and there is no charge for transferring a domain name to us. We can also accept payment by bank transfer on account which is extremely helpful for government bodies that register domains.

The transfer process is very simple, set up an account at the Mythic Beasts control panel and go to transfer domain in. It will ask you for the authorisation code and we’ll complete the transfer for you.

As of March 2023 there were 3854 domains in use – if every registrar follows our lead that should reduce the government deficit by around £200,000/year.

It’s always DNS (why domain transfers suck)

April 3rd, 2024 by

It’s a popular meme that all mysterious internet problems are caused by issues with the Domain Name System (DNS). Like most memes, it gets over-used, but when it comes to transferring a domain between providers, the intricacies of DNS create some very real problems.

To make things easier, we’ve just rolled out a new feature to our DNS management system that allows you to fetch records from your old provider’s nameservers prior to transferring the DNS for your domain to us.

Screenshot of "fetch live records" control panel function.

Why is this needed?

This functionality can help achieve a seamless transfer of your hosting, by working around an annoying feature of the DNS system.

DNS is the system that converts internet names (like “”) into IP addresses (like “”) that can be used to locate the server for a particular service. This conversion is done by nameservers, and each domain has its own nameservers, usually provided by your hosting provider.

Graphic showing a client querying a nameserver for "" and getting the answer.

When you transfer the hosting for your domain between providers, you’ll need to update your DNS records to point at your new web and email servers, but you will also typically change from using your old provider’s nameservers to your new provider’s.

The simple way to transfer your domain is to do these two things in one go.  Your old provider’s nameservers direct traffic for your domain at your old web and email servers, your new provider’s nameservers direct traffic at your new hosting service, so just change the nameservers for your domain from your old provider’s to your new provider’s and you’re done, right?

Graphic showing a client querying nameservers for "" and getting a different answer before and after transferring the domain to Mythic Beasts.

This approach works, but it’s not ideal for domains that are in active use because of the delays created by caching.

Caching and TTL

One of the things that makes DNS so confusing is caching. When you look up a name, you’re told to remember the answer for a set period of time. IP addresses don’t change very often, so looking up a name every single time you need it would generate a lot of unnecessary traffic, and slow things down.

Graphic of client querying a namserver for "" and getting the answer and the instruction to "remember this for 1 hour".

All DNS records have a “Time To Live” (“TTL”). This is the number of seconds that you’re allowed to remember it for before you have to do a new lookup to see if it’s changed. In the past, TTLs were usually set to hours, days or even a week. As the Internet has become faster, the overhead of DNS lookups has become less of a problem, and TTLs of one hour or a few minutes are now common.

Although caching helps improve performance in normal use, it creates a problem when you need to make changes. When you make a change to the DNS records for your domain, it won’t be picked up immediately by all users, because some people will have the old value cached.

If you know you’re going to need to change a DNS record, you can lower the TTL in advance (for example to 60 seconds), and then, when you come to change the record, all users will pick up the change very quickly.

If you’re planning to change hosting provider, it makes sense to lower the TTL on your DNS records in advance, so that when you come to make the change, all traffic is switched from the old provider to the new provider quickly.

Changing nameservers

When you have your own domain, you need to have some nameservers to answer DNS queries. As described above, when you transfer the hosting for your domain, you will typically also switch from using your old provider’s nameservers to your new provider’s.

The domain name system keeps a record of which nameservers provide the DNS for each domain. For example, DNS for is provided by our nameservers ( and The problem is that these records are also subject to caching and usually have a fixed TTL of 48 hours.

Graphic showing a client querying the ".com registry nameserver" for the "" nameservers, and being given the answer, and an instruction to remember it for "2 days". Followed by a query for "", with the answer and an instruction to "remember this for one minute".

This means that even if you set a low TTL for your own records, when you change the nameservers for a domain, you have a two day period when queries for your domain might still end up at your old nameservers. If your old and new servers are serving different records, users will get a mix of different answers.

The trick to achieving a clean switch between hosting providers is to separate the move from your old provider’s nameservers to your new provider’s from changing the individual DNS records that control who provides your web and email hosting. In other words, get the old and new nameservers serving exactly the same records, so that during the 48 hour nameserver changeover period, it doesn’t matter which nameserver answers the query. Once that changeover is complete, you can switch your web and email hosting by updating low-TTL records.

Our new fetch live records feature makes it easier to copy the records from your old provider’s nameservers to ours, so that you can do a seamless nameserver handover before migrating your web and email hosting. Unfortunately, this tool can only check for commonly used records because there’s no reliable way to get a complete list. The best solution is to get an export of your current DNS records from your current provider, and use our import function, but many providers don’t have an export feature in their systems.

This stuff is hard – we’re here to help

Domain transfers, and DNS in general, are difficult and confusing. For many of our customers, changing providers is a once-per-decade thing, whereas we deal with domain transfers every single day.

We’re working hard to build tools that make the process easier, but our support team is always on hand to provide personalised help.

.ie domains and reduced domain pricing

June 19th, 2023 by
Trinity College library Dublin

A 400 year old data warehouse at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

We’ve just rolled out a price reduction for domain registration for the vast majority of the TLDs that we offer, including .com, .net and .org. We pay for most of our domains in US dollars, and thanks to the increasing strength of the pound against the dollar, we’ve been able to reduce our prices for all such domains by an average of just over 10%.

.ie domains

We’re also pleased to announce that we’re now able to offer .ie domain registrations. Unfortunately, ID requirements mean that we’re only able to offer these to corporate registrants, and standard .ie residency requirements apply. .ie domains have been a frustrating gap in our available TLDs for many years, so we’re very happy that we’re now at least partially able to fill it.

No-nonsense pricing

Our full price list can be found on our domains page.

We don’t offer loss-leading promotional pricing — we charge the same for new and existing customers alike, don’t ramp up pricing on renewals, and never charge transfer-out fees.

We offer small multi-year discounts for registration or renewals in advance, and pride ourselves on offering a good service for a reasonable price.

Other domains

We’re also a JISC registrar, meaning that we can provide and domains. We can provide credit accounts (subject to checks), allowing organisations to pay for domains via PO and invoice, if required.


Domain registrations include DNS with API access as standard. We also support DNSSEC, and naturally, our nameservers are IPv6-enabled. If you’re migrating existing domains to us, you can import zone files directly, via our control panel or the API. We also provide a Domain management API.

Domain Management API

October 1st, 2021 by

We’ve just rolled out a new addition to our range of APIs for managing services: the Domain Management API. This new API allows you automate management of your Mythic Beasts domain registrations.

Access to the API is controlled by API keys, which can be managed in our customer control panel. As for our DNS API, the keys provide fine-grained control over access, allow you to grant permissions on individual domains, or all domains on your account, and to restrict a key’s access to specific actions.

API Key Configuration screenshot

Fine-grained access control

The API gives access to information about your domains, such as the expiry date, nameservers, and domain status.

At present, the API only supports a small number of actions, although we intend to expand this in the near future. At present, the following actions are supported:

  • Setting nameservers
  • Setting DS records
  • Locking/unlocking domains (where supported)

The ability to set DS records makes it possible to automate DNSSEC key roll-over, although it’s worth noting that we offer a free managed DNSSEC service which takes care of this for you, so you’ll only need to use this if you particularly want to control your DS records yourself.

The API is currently in public beta, and documentation can be found on our support site. We’d very much welcome feedback on the API, including suggestions for operations that you’d like to see supported. If you have any feedback, please contact us on

Restoring Nominet’s Purpose: update

February 22nd, 2021 by

Earlier this month we reported that we’d signed up to the Public Benefit campaign to reform Nominet, the company responsible for overseeing UK domain registrations.

The campaign was seeking 5% of Nominet’s membership in order to call an EGM to replace Nominet’s non-elected directors. The campaign quickly achieved this, the EGM request was delivered, and Nominet have now set the date for the EGM as 22nd March 2021. Members representing more than 17% of Nominet voting rights have now signed up to support the campaign. Typical AGM voting turnout is well under 10% suggesting that the vote is pretty much certain to succeed, at least according to The Register’s analysis.

If there was ever any doubt about the need for reform, Nominet’s response to the EGM letter has completely removed this.

Nominet’s CEO rushed out a statement hoping that:

all constituencies will be able to engage in a constructive way

At the same time, Nominet responded to Public Benefit’s email requesting member information by providing 575 printed pages:

This would seem to be more obstructive than constructive.

The EGM request made two motions: (1) sack the current directors; and (2) appoint two interim directors to take over. Nominet are claiming that the second motion is illegal (contrary to legal advice received by Public Benefit) and are refusing to put it on the EGM agenda. They now have the gall to claim that the EGM request destabilises Nominet because it does not provide a credible plan to replace the current leadership.

Is this just about reducing UK domain fees?

It’s been suggested that this campaign is about Nominet members, who are mostly companies like us that resell domain registrations, trying to reduce the price that they pay for domains. This seems to ignore the fact that the domain market is very competitive, and UK domains are particularly easy to transfer between registrars. Provided that the price is the same for all members, what that price is doesn’t make much difference to us.

Nonetheless, we’re very happy to make a public commitment that if the EGM process results in a reduction in the price that we pay for domains, we will pass on that saving in the price that we charge.

Nominet: managing .uk for public benefit

February 1st, 2021 by

We have signed up to Public Benefit, an effort to restore Nominet to its roots as a public benefit, not for profit organisation.

Nominet runs a world class registry for domains ending in .uk. Their technical execution is faultless and we’re extremely happy with all the services they provide for .uk domains.

A ccTLD domain registry is a natural monopoly, and a profitable one at that. For many years, Nominet have donated their surplus to the Social Tech Trust (formerly the Nominet Trust, which was renamed after they cut funding), a charity that uses technology for the public good.

Charitable donations have dwindled whilst prices have increased over the last five years, due to spending on loss making research projects such as self driving cars and Radio Spectrum management, not to mention last year’s £249,000 pay rise for the CEO (to £772,000).

We are strongly in favour of the proposal of Axel Pawlik, former MD of RIPE, as a director. Under Axel’s leadership, RIPE achieved many significant improvements to internet infrastructure including, but not limited, to:

  • Managing IPv4 address exhaustion, balancing the needs of existing ISPs while preserving access for new entrants;
  • Encouraging and facilitating IPv6 uptake;
  • Encouraging uptake of RPKI to secure routing announcements (RIPE now has the highest participation rate of any RIR); and
  • Creating RIPE Atlas, a communal tool to track routing that makes running an ISP much easier.

Sir Michael Lyons also appears to be a sound proposal, although beyond his earlier report on Nominet governance, we have no day-to-day experience of his work.

Nominet is structured such that the elected non-executive directors are out-numbered and are unable to achieve meaningful change, which is why after years of dissatisfaction this has come to an Extraordinary General Meeting to remove the existing directors. Voting is weighted in a complicated fashion, but the more domains the member controls the more important their vote is. As a result domain owners can effectively vote by switching registrars, and if you would like to support this proposal we would recommend moving any .uk domains to a registrar that has signed up to call the EGM. Nominet are very good at actually running the registry, and .uk domain transfers are very easy, and free.

More DNS API fun: find an IP across all zones

September 21st, 2020 by

A customer was doing an IP address change on a server and wanted a quick way to find all references to the old IP address across all of their domains.

This seemed like a good job for our DNS API and a few UNIX utilities.

Finding matching records

Our DNS API makes it easy to find records with particular content:

curl -sn

The -n assumes we’ve got a .netrc file with our API credentials. See our DNS API tutorial for more details.

This gives us a block of JSON with any matching records:

  "records": [
      "data": "",
      "host": "www",
      "ttl": 300,
      "type": "A"

jq lets us turn the presence or absence of any matching records into an exit code that we can test with an if statement by piping into the following:

jq -e '.records | length > 0' 

This counts the number of members of the records array, and -e sets the exit code based on the output of the last expression.

Getting a list of zones

We want to check this across all zones, so let’s get a list of zones:

curl -sn

This gives us some JSON:

  "zones": [

What we really want is a flat list, so we can iterate over it in bash. jq to the rescue again. Simply pipe into:

jq -r '.zones[]'

and we get:

Putting it all together

Putting this all together with a for loop and an if:

for zone in $(curl -sn | jq -r '.zones[]') ; do
  if curl -sn "$zone/records?data=$IP" |\
      jq -e '.records | length > 0' >/dev/null ; then 
    echo "$IP found in $zone"

Gives: found in

More than one way to do it

Another approach would be to use the zone file output format and check if the output is empty or not:

curl -sn -H 'Accept: text/dns' \

This give us matching records, one per line:

www         300 A

We can then test if we’ve got any matches using ifne (if-not-empty, part of the moreutils package in most distributions):

curl -sn -H 'Accept: text/dns' \
  "$zone/records?data=$IP" \
  | ifne echo $IP found in $zone

Access to our DNS API is included with all domains registered with us. API credentials can be limited to individual zones or even records, can be either read/write or read-only.

ANAME records

Of course, it’s generally desirable to avoid including an IP address in lots of different DNS records in the first place. It’s preferable to assign the IP to a single hostname, and then point other records at that. Our DNS service supports ANAME records which allow the use of hostnames rather than IP addresses in places where CNAMEs cannot be used.

Automating DNS challenges

May 5th, 2020 by

We recently announced our new DNS API which we’ve just moved out of beta and into production. 

One of the goals of the new API was better support for automating DNS-based challenges, such as those used by Let’s Encrypt to authenticate certificate requests. 

DNS-based challenges are needed to obtain wildcard certificates from Let’s Encrypt, and can be a convenient way to get certificates for hostnames that don’t a have publicly accessible web server, but can be tricky to implement due to delays in updating DNS records, and automatic requires having credentials capable of DNS records for your domain stored on your server.

The new API has a number of features to address these issues.

Restricted credentials

The DNS API allows you to create API credentials that are restricted to editing specific records within your domain.  Credentials can be restricted by hostname, record type, or both.

For example, you can create credentials that can only edit the _acme-challenge TXT record needed for Let’s Encrypt challenges. Access to the DNS API is potentially very sensitive, so it makes sense to limit access as much as possible.

Restricted API key

Record verification

Updates made via the API do not become live immediately. There is a delay of up to a minute before they hit our master nameserver, and a potential further delay of a few seconds before the record propagates to our authoritative nameservers. When responding to a DNS-based challenge, you will typically want to ensure that the record is actually live before proceeding with verification.

Our DNS API provides a “verify” feature, that checks that records are live on all authoritative nameservers. For example, a GET request to the following URL would check that the nameservers have the latest update to the record:

This will return a 200 response if the nameservers are up-to-date, and 409 if they are not. This can be used to script a check after updating a record:


for i in $(seq 1 12); do
    RES=$(curl -n$ZONE/records/$RECORD/$TYPE?verify -qs -w '%{http_code}' -o /dev/null)
    case $RES in
        200)    echo Records updated
                exit 0
        409)    echo "Not yet updated ($i/12)"
        *)      echo "Unexpected error: $RES"
                exit 1
    sleep 10
echo Timed out
exit 2

Obtaining certificates the easy way

Our preferred Let’s Encrypt client is the excellent dehydrated, and we maintain a hook script for supporting DNS-based challenges in dehydrated. We haven’t yet updated the hook script to support our new API, but will be doing so soon and will post details here when it’s ready.


April 6th, 2020 by

We’ve just launched our new DNS API, which provides a much cleaner and more powerful API for automatic management of DNS records.

Key features of the new API include:

  • Configurable auth credentials – restrict access to individual records, or record types.  Ideal for Let’s Encrypt or other DNS-based challenges.
  • Choice of JSON or zone file format for input and output.
  • Atomic multi-record updates – update arbitrary sets of records in a single transaction.
  • Form parameters for record creation – record creation can be trivially scripted using curl.
  • Broad record type support – CAA, SSHFP, TLSA, SRV and many more.

For a walk through of the features of the new API, please see our DNS API tutorial , or for more details see the reference documentation.

To get started with the API, use the API keys section of the control panel to create some credentials.

Configurable API permits

Restricted API credentials for Let’s Encrypt challenges

The new API is currently in public beta, meaning that we reserve the right to make last minute breaking changes to the API, although we expect any such changes to be minor, and we would very much like to hear any feedback you may have.