Sender Verify vs Hotmail

November 26th, 2013 by

We aim to give our users the choice of a range of anti-spam measures. One of the options we provider is sender verify, a simple check whereby before you accept a mail, you check that the sender of that email exists, and would accept mail from you. You can argue about how effective this is as an anti-spam measure, but it seems a perfectly reasonable check to want to make, in the same way that many people choose to not answer their phone to those who withhold caller ID.

Unfortunately, some people object to you asking the question.

We recently had some complaints from users who said that they couldn’t receive mail from people with addresses hosted on Microsoft’s Hotmail servers, and sure enough, Hotmail have blacklisted one of our servers’ IPs for daring to enquire about whether particular sender addresses were valid. This affects not just, but various other Microsoft domains.

Sadly, Microsoft aren’t going to change their policy for us, so we needed to whitelist them. This isn’t entirely trivial as what matters is where the sender’s email address is hosted, which means looking up the MX records for that domain. Fortunately, Exim makes this easy enough, provided that you’re not offended by curly brackets. Adding the following condition to a sender verify ACL will disable the check for Hotmail hosted domains:

!condition = ${if forany{${lookup dnsdb{>: mxh=$sender_address_domain}{$value}fail}}{match {$item}{\Nmx.\.hotmail\.com\N}}}

I should note that for quite some time, we’ve used a dedicated IP address for performing our sender verify checks in order to minimise the impact of exactly this type of blacklisting. If we hadn’t done this, the blacklist would have made it impossible for any users to send mail to Hotmail-hosted addresses too. As it was, the problem only affected users who had elected to use sender verify on their domains.

Enabling IPv6 on your mail servers? Don’t forget SPF

November 8th, 2013 by

Our network has supported IPv6 for a while, but recently we’ve been making a concerted effort to enable IPv6 on more of our servers. What we’ve learned (mostly the hard way) is that the challenge in doing this is not so much in enabling specific services, such as making your webserver speak IPv6, but in the less obvious side effects of bringing up an IPv6 address on the server in question. Once you do this, the server will start making outgoing connections over IPv6 where possible, and that’s when you find out all the places that you’ve got IP-based access controls squirreled away.

One that caught us out recently when we brought up IPv6 addresses on our mail servers was an SPF record that listed our outgoing servers by their IP (v4) addresses. In hindsight, including IP addresses in an SPF record was never a great idea. It would be much better to use the “mx” or “a” SPF terms, referring to mail servers by name rather than address.

To help others avoid making the same mistake, we’ve added SPF record checking to our IPv6 Health Check. The rules on this are necessarily a bit arbitrary: if you have an explicit reference to an IPv4 address, it expects you to have at least one reference to an IPv6 address. In addition, any time that you use an MX term, it expects that MX to have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

For an example of this, compare the results for with the results for We fail because of the “” term. There are other parts of Twitter’s SPF that don’t appear to have IPv6 equivalents (e.g. “”) but there’s no easy way to determine which IPv6 address block corresponds to each IPv4 address block. Suggestions for better ways to categorise these test results gratefully received.

Filtering on received headers? Seriously?

November 5th, 2013 by

As if it’s not bad enough that we have to waste a huge amount of time, not to mention a non-trivial amount of hardware, bandwidth and electricity, trying to deal with spam, we also waste a fair amount of time dealing with the “ingenious” ways that the anti-spam brigade come up with to stop legitimate mail from getting through.

This week’s contribution was so special that it took three of us to confirm that they really were doing something as silly as it first appeared.

First some background: the IP address that you get given by your ISP for your broadband connection is usually dynamically allocated. This means that it may change every time you reconnect, and may be reallocated to other users when you’re not using it. This obviously makes it impossible to selectively blacklist the users of such addresses in response to spam complaints, so it is common practice for mail servers to block connections from all IPs that are known to be allocated on this basis, using something like the PBL. Users of such IP addresses are expected to use their ISP or hosting provider’s mail servers to send outgoing mail, and the administrators of those servers take responsibility for policing their customers (on pain of having their mail servers blacklisted).

Today, a customer complained that a legitimate email being sent via our server in this manner (using authenticated SMTP) was being blocked. On closer inspection, it turned out that the IP addresses that the receiving server was objecting to was not our server’s IP address, but the sender’s IP address on the basis of it having a “poor reputation”. Well duh – it’s a dynamically allocated IP: there’s a decent chance that at some point in its life it’s been allocated to an infected computer and used to send spam. They’s why you don’t accept mail from them directly, right?

The stupid thing is that the only way that the receiver knows the originating IP address is through a “Received” header that we add. That’s right, we could trivially defeat this anti-spam measure by configuring our mail server to not add the header.

Of course we’re not going to do that, as it would break the incredibly useful trace that is provided by the received headers, and is one of the few things that helps keep sane mail admins sane.

Update on spam from Communicado Ltd.

October 22nd, 2013 by

I’ve been keeping an eye on the effectiveness of the blacklist that we recently installed to block spam from Communicado Ltd.

The number of messages directed at our servers seems to vary significantly, but we’ve seen close to 1,000 in a single day rejected by the filter. Whilst not a huge number in the grand scheme of things (our servers reject several connections per second using IP blacklists), it’s a pretty significant number to be spread amongst a relatively small number of customers.

What we have noticed is that the domains that we’re now seeing have been registered increasingly recently, suggesting that the older domains are becoming unusable due to people blocking them. So, we have an arms race between our ability to keep our blacklist up to date, and their ability to keep buying and deploying domains. This is actually a good thing because the domains cost the spammers at Communicado real money, so if enough people use the blacklists and keep them up-to-date then sending spam in this way will become uneconomical. In the meantime, the only consolation of the spammers chucking all this money at Nominet, is that we occassionally get to drink it.

I did some mining of our mail logs, and identified another half dozen Communicado domains. Martin fed these into his Nominet search tool yielding another 1,000 or so domains, so we’ve now got over 5,000 on the list.

If you run a mail server and aren’t already using it, please add the blacklist to your configuration and keep it up-to-date.

The endless war on spam

October 16th, 2013 by

We’ve just put in place a new spam blacklist. What’s unusual about this list is that it’s a list of sender domains. Filtering on sender domains is not normally something we’d consider since standard operating procedure for spammers is to use a fake sender address containing a legitimate domain.

In this case, it seems that a particular company, Communicado Ltd, has gone to the trouble of registering a very large number of UK domains specifically for the purposes of spamming. We first noticed this in response to a customer complaint last week, and the thing that got my interest was that the various different domains had valid SPF records. For example:

$ host -t txt descriptive text "v=spf1 a mx ip4: ip4: ~all"

SPF isn’t the world’s greatest anti-spam measure, but a pass on a record with specific IPs is generally a pretty positive indicator, as you have to either compromise the mail server or the DNS server – or own the domain.

What I didn’t twig was just how many domains were involved, or that they were all owned by the same company, until one of my colleagues came across Martin A. Brooks’ blog post, which identifies over 4,500 domains owned by this single outfit.

Martin has kindly shared his list of domains and we’re now filtering using it.

For what it’s worth, those domains will have cost them the best part of £17k for a year’s registration (somehow, I don’t think they’ll be renewed).