IPv4 to IPv6 Proxy API

April 21st, 2023 by

We’ve been offering IPv6-only hosting for eight years now, and have demonstrated that many websites can forego the expense of an IPv4 address pretty easily. You can read more about how we do this on this blog post from 2020. This blog post itself is being served from an IPv6-only server!

A key part of this is our IPv4-to-IPv6 proxy. This listens for incoming traffic on a shared IPv4 address and forwards it to your IPv6-only server. In order to use the proxy, you need to tell it which hostnames to listen for, and which server or servers to forward traffic to. This can be done using our control panel, and as of today, it can also be done via an API.

Having an API for proxy configuration makes it possible to automatically add or remove backend servers, allowing you to spin up additional servers, or take servers out of service for failover or maintenance.

You can also use the API to add and remove hostnames handled by the proxy, and so can be used to automate the provisioning of new services.

Fine-grained access controls

As for our DNS API and Domain API, the Proxy API provides fine-grained access control for API keys. For example, you can create an API key that only has access to a specified domain or hostname, or you can create a read-only API key if you only need to read the current configuration.

Getting started

Our IPv4-to-IPv6 proxy is available to all customers with a Mythic Beasts server, including virtual servers, Raspberry Pi servers, dedicated and colo. You can find more information on the proxy service, and the Proxy API on our support pages.

The secret to great technical support? No support staff.

October 21st, 2022 by

Over the years, we’ve gained a reputation for providing support that is above average for the hosting industry. Obviously it helps that the average is really quite low, and simply providing helpful answers in a timely manner puts you some way above it, but we’re proud of this reputation and work hard to provide the best support that we possibly can.

So what do we do differently?

Perhaps the biggest thing is that we don’t have any dedicated support staff.

Our support rota

Our support queue is staffed by a rolling rota that includes all of our technical staff. The staff responsible for managing our routers, running our DNS servers, developing our control panel and maintaining all our other infrastructure, all take it in turns to do regular days on “first line support”. And, yes, this includes our founders & directors.

The most obvious benefit of this is that customers get straight through to someone who can actually deal with their issue — all tickets are effectively escalated to what might elsewhere be considered second, or more likely third, line support, but without the hassle of fighting your way past chat bots and scripted replies.

XKCD 806

There’s no need to say “Shibboleet” to our staff.

That’s obviously better for the customer, but conventional wisdom is that good technical staff are too expensive to put on first line support, and you won’t retain them if you do.

Our company trades on its reputation for good support, so cost cutting here would be a false economy, and you only have to look at the likes of Stack Overflow and Quora to see that many technical experts enjoy using their knowledge to help others.

It is true that our staff probably wouldn’t want to do support full-time, but mixing support with normal responsibilities actually provides some useful variety, and has a number of other benefits.

Direct customer feedback

One of the most valuable benefits of this arrangement is the direct contact between our technical staff and our customers. Our staff get to see directly what our customers want to do, and what parts of our website and systems our customers find confusing. They’ve also got a strong incentive to improve them so that they don’t find themselves answering the same simple questions again and again when on support, and because our “support staff” are also the people responsible for those systems, they’re in a position to actually fix them.

Perhaps one of the best measures of how well this works is that the average time to deal with a support ticket has gone up over the years. All the easy support tickets that we used to be able to clean up before the first coffee in the morning have gone, because the customer did it themselves the night before. The tickets in the support queue are getting harder, and this is good thing (and yet another lesson in the hazards of optimising for KPIs).

Why we prefer email support

Our rolling rota of support staff is one of the reasons why we insist on email for support. Having a written record of all communications on a ticket makes it much easier to hand tickets from one person to the next. Customers don’t have to spend time explaining an issue each time it’s passed to a different member of staff – although for more complicated tickets, we do quite often ask the person who first picked it up to carry on with it, even if they’re no longer on support.

How far will this approach scale?

We’ve operated this system for quite a few years and the amount of time we spend dealing with support queries has grown steadily with the company.

We’ve no plans to change this approach, but it’s quite possible that there will come a point where it makes sense to hire staff whose primary role is support. Like all things, the more you do, the better you get, and one of the costs of our approach is that using non-dedicated staff is inefficient — they’re more likely to have to look things up or check with colleagues when responding to tickets.

We have already taken the step of splitting out finance-related support tickets into a separate queue, which is dealt with by our finance staff.

If we do ever take that step of employing dedicated support staff we won’t compromise on the quality of support that we provide, and it’s likely to be in addition to, rather than instead of, our rolling rota, because of the benefits it provides to both us and our customers.

Choose your own PHP version

May 9th, 2022 by

One of our most common support requests recently is for PHP 8 on hosting accounts. Until now, our policy has been to run our hosting servers on a stable release of the Debian operating system, and to only install operating system-supplied packages. The ensures that we have a reliable, stable platform that it is fully covered by Debian’s security updates process.

Our hosting servers are currently on Debian 10 (Buster) which means PHP is stuck on version 7.3. Debian takes a pretty conservative approach to updates. Not so much “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” but more like “if it’s broken, but not a security hazard, still don’t fix it”. This is an excellent way to manage a stable, reliable operating system.

On the other hand, PHP 8 was released at the end of 2020, and it seems that an increasing number of developers are now dropping support for PHP 7 in their products. We find it odd that developers would drop support for a current stable version of what is probably the world’s most widely use server-side OS, but nonetheless we can’t ignore the increasing number of our customers who need a more recent version.

Choose your own version

We decided that if we were going to support newer versions of PHP, we’re going to do it properly and it’s now possible for users of our hosting accounts to select which version of PHP they use using our control panel.

The PHP version can be selected independently for each website hosted, and changes take effect immediately, making it easy to test migrations to a newer version, and roll-back if problems are encountered.

Our hosting accounts support unlimited hosted websites, so if you want to test whether your site will work with a newer version, you can always spin up a staging site on a sub-domain and switch the PHP version for just that site.

Supported versions

We currently support PHP 7.3, 7.4 and 8.1 on our hosting servers, and are considering adding support for 8.0. If you have a requirement for a specific version, please drop us an email.


The thing that makes this possible is the excellent work of Ondřej Surý, long-term maintainer of Debian’s PHP packages. In addition to providing the official Debian packages, Ondřej also provides deb.sury.org, a private repository providing Debian packages for multiple versions of PHPs, built and maintained to the same standards as the official Debian packages.

Raspberry Pi Desktop now in our Raspberry Pi Cloud

March 28th, 2022 by

Raspberry Pi Desktop is now available as a supported image in our Raspberry Pi Cloud on all Raspberry Pi 4 servers, providing a true remote desktop.

This is set up with the standard desktop operating system, a virtual 1080p monitor attached and VNC set up for immediate desktop access, and is secured using an SSH ‘tunnel’ to access your desktop so everything is encrypted between the client and server.

Install the desktop edition on your Raspberry Pi:

Add your SSH key:

Power the Raspberry Pi on:

You can then connect to the Rasberry Pi as normal, but now add “-L 5900:localhost:5900” to the SSH command line, which will bind port 5900 (the default VNC port) on your local computer to port 5900 on the Raspberry Pi on the other end of the SSH connection.

(If you’re using PuTTY or a similar SSH client, you should be able to find the relevant setting in Connection>SSH>Tunnels – you’ll want to set the source port to be “5900”, and the destination to be “localhost:5900″.)

Next, connect to the server (substitute ”1234″ for your SSH port, found in the control panel, and use the name of your hosted Pi) as root to establish the connection:

$ ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 -p 1234 root@ssh.yourserver.hostedpi.com
The authenticity of host ...
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:.....
Linux rpi-bullseye-arm64-vnc...

Then, set the password for the Pi desktop user:

$ passwd pi
New password: 
Retype new password: 
passwd: password updated successfully

And finally, connect with a local VNC client to “localhost” and up pops a desktop:

Raspberry Pi virtual desktop running on a real Raspberry Pi in our cloud.

Log4J security issues

December 13th, 2021 by

A log cut into snail shells (public domain image from Simpon Speed)

On Friday 10th December we became aware of an extremely serious security issues in Log4J, a logging component in widespread use by applications written in the Java programming language.  The vulnerability has been nicknamed Log4Shell.

What is Log4Shell and Log4J

Log4J is a library to make writing data to a log file easier. It’s highly configurable to make it easy to send the right level of logging data to the right place and it includes bits of intelligence so you can log placeholders and have Log4J fill in the correct value for the environment. So if you’re logging an error in your application and you want to know what version of java is currently running your application you can log:


which will be replaced with the currently running version number of Java.

However, it is very common for log messages to contain user-supplied data.  For example, a login form might log the username from a failed login attempt, and many applications don’t check the data the user supplied for magic values like this.  So, if I were to attempt to log in with a username of ${java:version} instead of Pete, the logfiles will say:

Failed login attempt for user: "OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.11+9-Ubuntu-0ubuntu2.20.04)"

rather than what the application developer expected which would be:

Failed login attempt for user: "${java:version}"

One of the other magic strings uses LightWeight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to look up data from a remote server and the remote server can specify additional software to install and run in order to process the answer from the LDAP server.

If an end user can set something that will go to a log file to a magic LDAP string pointing at a server they control they can make the java application request code from that server and make the target system execute code they just supplied. This effectively hands full control over the java application to the person that logged the magic LDAP string. Effectively you can turn a piece of data that is logged into an administrative shell on the target server, hence the name Log4Shell.

The vulnerability is very nasty for a number of reasons. Firstly, it’s a trivial-to-exploit remote code execution vulnerability. You literally send the application a URL to the code you want run and it runs it. Secondly, Log4J is very widely used, including in custom software, and many applications are likely to be vulnerable.

Managed customers

As part of our server management service, we monitor and assess all security advisories for operating system packages, applying serious 0-day vulnerabilities immediately to customer servers.

Unfortunately, Java applications almost never use system-provided libraries, and will instead bundle their dependencies as part of the application. From the point of view of our managed service, updating Java applications with an embedded Log4J is the technically the responsibility of the customer.

However, given the severity and ease of exploit of this vulnerability, we’ve been doing everything we can to help customers who may not even know that they’re reliant on Log4J, let alone where their application is vulnerable.

Going above and beyond

As part of our managed service we install an internally written package called Mythic Reporter. This logs a lot of data from servers every day about what the servers are doing. We then have a centralised process that reads the reports and automates auditing for common issues. With this we can spot things like:

  • One of the hardware devices in your storage array is broken or is in a pre-failure state.
  • Database replication appears not to be working.
  • A filesystems has gone read-only.
  • You have mirrored filesystems but not mirrored swap space.
  • The cryptographic keys used by ssh that are weak or are blacklisted.
  • You have a database running but no backups configured.
  • You’re using the stock i40 network module for Debian which is unstable.
  • Your server has thermally throttled.
  • … and many others.

We can also utilise this dataset for other things. We log the full process list and listening network sockets for every managed server every day. So it’s a small matter of scripting on our reporter server to find the full list of client servers that have a network listening application written in Java. One staff member set about writing a customer notification, one understanding how nasty the security issue was and one building the full list of likely affected customers.

To every managed server customer running a java server process, we sent this email:

We have become aware of a serious security vulnerability in the log4j
logging package for Java. You're receiving this email because our 
records show that your managed server is running Java.

At this point, a full list of applications that are affected by this
vulnerability is not available, but given the widespread use of log4j, 
the severity of the vulnerability (remote code execution) and the
typical ease of exploitation, we strongly recommend investigating
proactively whether any Java applications that you are using are

Your Mythic Beasts managed service includes monitoring and upgrading of
operating system packages, but does not cover software installed by
other means.  Java applications typically rely on JAR files that are not
provided by system packages, and in this case we are not able to detect
or apply necessary upgrades.

You can find more information on the vulnerability, and the affected
versions of log4j, here:


Whilst we cannot assess whether your server is vulnerable to this
vulnerability, we are happy to provide advice based on the information
that we have.

We detected Java running on the following servers:

-- list of servers --

We then opened tickets in our ticket tracking system for all affected customers so we could close them off once we’re confirmed they were either not vulnerable, or had been patched.


We then started auditing the identified customer servers, scanning for installations of the Log4J library and notifying customers as to whether the libraries they have installed are vulnerable or not. We utilised reports from software providers to prioritise fixes. For example Jenkins may be affected depending on the plugins used.

We have worked through the list contacting every customer to confirm if we or they could upgrade the affected component or if we could mitigate through configuration changes, and this afternoon we have been chasing likely affected customers who haven’t responded to encourage them strongly to work with us to fix this issue.

If you run Java-based services and you’re not already a customer of our managed hosting service, then you’ve probably been quite busy over the last few days. If you haven’t been, then you may want to consider signing up.

Dependency management

Log4Shell is a somewhat vicious lesson in dependency management. Every time you import third party code, you need a process for monitoring security advisories for it, and for updating it as required. This is why we have a strong preference for using operating system packages wherever practical, as this delegates the whole problem to the operating system maintainers and makes automatically finding and updating affected libraries trivial. Being able to automatically find vulnerable packages is critical, as you can be guaranteed that when a serious vulnerability is discovered, the bad guys will automate it.

8GB and overclocked Raspberry Pi servers

June 15th, 2021 by
Pi 4 with PoE HAT

Our Pi 4 servers all wear the Power over Ethernet HAT to provide power and cooling to the CPU.

Since the launch of the 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 we’ve had many requests to add these to our Raspberry Pi cloud. Meanwhile many Raspberry Pi users have read about overclocking the Raspberry Pi and running at a higher clock speed.

Overclocking further increases the computing power of the Pi, but brings significant operational issues for our Pi cloud. Not all Raspberry Pi hardware will run reliably at the higher clockspeed and the higher voltage required to support it. Increasing the clockspeed and voltage significantly increases the power consumption and thus the cooling requirements necessary to prevent overheating. We’ve spent a considerable amount of time testing and we’re now ready to launch our first 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 cluster. We’re offering them at two clock speeds: the stock 1.5GHz and overclocked to 2GHz.

The overclocked Raspberry Pis have all been run at a significant CPU load for several weeks to test their stability before release. Any that failed the stability test have been added to the cloud at the normal 1.5GHz clockspeed.

The 8GB Pi is available at 1.5GHz and 2GHz clock speeds. Supported operating systems are Raspberry Pi OS 64 and Ubuntu 64.

Larger fans provide more cooling to our 8GB Pi4 cloud so we can run at higher clockspeeds.

VPS API, on-demand billing and dormant VPSs

May 14th, 2021 by

Dormant mode means your VPS can have a nice snooze.

We’ve recently rolled out some new features that provide more flexibility to our VPS platform.

On-demand billing

Last year we added on-demand billing to our Raspberry Pi Cloud and we’ve now rolled this out to our VPS services, allowing you to add and remove VPSs at any time and pay by the second for the time that the server is provisioned. We continue to offer monthly, quarterly and annual billing options, with discounts for longer billing periods, allowing users to choose between the best pricing for long term usage and the convenience of on-demand, pay-as-you go pricing.

Dormant VPS mode

We’ve also added the ability to make an on-demand VPS dormant, so that you’re only charged for the server’s storage space (and any allocated IPv4 addresses) until you want to reactivate it. Dormant VPSs can be reactivated at any time, although it is not guaranteed that you will be able to re-provision to the same specification of server immediately. The RAM and CPU previously allocated to your server may have been reallocated, and a move to a different host server may be required.

VPS management API

We have also added an API for managing on-demand VPSs, allowing the creation and deletion of servers to be automated. The API is very similar to our API for managing Raspberry Pi Cloud servers. To get started, see our API docs.

Cloud-init user data

We use cloud-init to automate operating system installation when provisioning a new VPS. The installation can be customised using cloud-init user data, which can provide additional installation steps to be performed after the first boot. User data can be provided through both the control panel and the API. It also possible to store and re-use user data snippets in the control panel, making it easy to repeatably spin up new servers with your applications already installed and configured.

More capacity

We continue to add capacity to our cloud to keep up with customer demand with the most recent expansion being in our London Meridian Gate (MER) zone.

Private cloud improvements

Our Private Cloud service gets you the features and convenience of our public VPS platform, but provided on your own dedicated servers. We’ve recently rolled out improvements to our Private Cloud platform, allowing Private Cloud servers to be provisioned and managed via the API and control panel.

More DNS API fun: find an IP across all zones

September 21st, 2020 by

A customer was doing an IP address change on a server and wanted a quick way to find all references to the old IP address across all of their domains.

This seemed like a good job for our DNS API and a few UNIX utilities.

Finding matching records

Our DNS API makes it easy to find records with particular content:

curl -sn https://api.mythic-beasts.com/dns/v2/zones/example1.com/records?data=

The -n assumes we’ve got a .netrc file with our API credentials. See our DNS API tutorial for more details.

This gives us a block of JSON with any matching records:

  "records": [
      "data": "",
      "host": "www",
      "ttl": 300,
      "type": "A"

jq lets us turn the presence or absence of any matching records into an exit code that we can test with an if statement by piping into the following:

jq -e '.records | length > 0' 

This counts the number of members of the records array, and -e sets the exit code based on the output of the last expression.

Getting a list of zones

We want to check this across all zones, so let’s get a list of zones:

curl -sn https://api.mythic-beasts.com/dns/v2/zones

This gives us some JSON:

  "zones": [

What we really want is a flat list, so we can iterate over it in bash. jq to the rescue again. Simply pipe into:

jq -r '.zones[]'

and we get:


Putting it all together

Putting this all together with a for loop and an if:

for zone in $(curl -sn https://api.mythic-beasts.com/dns/v2/zones | jq -r '.zones[]') ; do
  if curl -sn "https://api.mythic-beasts.com/dns/v2/zones/$zone/records?data=$IP" |\
      jq -e '.records | length > 0' >/dev/null ; then 
    echo "$IP found in $zone"

Gives: found in example1.com

More than one way to do it

Another approach would be to use the zone file output format and check if the output is empty or not:

curl -sn -H 'Accept: text/dns' \

This give us matching records, one per line:

www         300 A

We can then test if we’ve got any matches using ifne (if-not-empty, part of the moreutils package in most distributions):

curl -sn -H 'Accept: text/dns' \
  "https://api.mythic-beasts.com/dns/v2/zones/$zone/records?data=$IP" \
  | ifne echo $IP found in $zone

Access to our DNS API is included with all domains registered with us. API credentials can be limited to individual zones or even records, can be either read/write or read-only.

ANAME records

Of course, it’s generally desirable to avoid including an IP address in lots of different DNS records in the first place. It’s preferable to assign the IP to a single hostname, and then point other records at that. Our DNS service supports ANAME records which allow the use of hostnames rather than IP addresses in places where CNAMEs cannot be used.

Save £700/month with a Mythic Beasts VPS and OpenStreetMap

June 30th, 2020 by

Cambridge Freegle pictured on a map backed by OpenStreetMap tiles from the Mythic Beasts hosted tile server.

We’re supporters of Freegle, a charity that recycles unwanted things by passing them on to new owners. As the COVID-19 lockdown is eased, many people have de-cluttered and have things available to be passed on to new owners. Similarly, a number of people have been struggling financially and will benefit from donations. Traffic on Freegle has rocketed.

Freegle used to use Google Maps for displaying items. In 2018, Google changes the terms for their maps service moving to pay-as-you-go, per-tile-served pricing model. Many sites are able to operate within the a $200/month fee credit, which buys 200,000 monthly tile requests. Freegle is now seeing enough usage to incur bills of over £750/month for map tiles — a significant expense for a small charity.

As is often the case with usage-based cloud services, a free, or very low, initial price can quickly escalate into a large and uncontrollable cost.

Fortunately, as is often the case, a comparable alternative based on open source software exists and can provide a much lower total overall cost.

Freegle contacted us looking for help in moving to their own tile server based on OpenStreetMap, providing lower – and just as importantly – fixed monthly costs.

Running an OpenStreetMap tile server

Freegle are using a Mythic Beasts virtual server to host OpenStreetMap docker image, fronted by NGINX to provide HTTPS and HTTP/2 support. The initial approach of rendering tiles on demand proved to be far too slow, so tiles are now pre-rendered and cached on SSD. Full details can be found in their article, Junking Google Maps for OpenStreetMap.

The initial pre-rendering is being done with a 256GB/16 core server. This is expected to complete within a few days, and once done, the server will be scaled down to 16GB/4 cores for normal production usage.

Costs for this custom solution? One working day of staff time, a few days of a fast virtual server (~£60), and the monthly cost of the product virtual server (~£50) which nets current monthly savings of £700 and gives long term guaranteed price stability.

The convenience of cloud without the price tag

Being based on open source software, there’s no risk of a future change in terms making the service unaffordable, and Freegle aren’t locked in to a single provider’s proprietary API. If we were to hike our prices, Freegle could easily move their service to another provider (although based on recent experience, we’re more likely to do the opposite).

Freegle implemented this service themselves on our VPS platform, but we can also offer this as a managed application, giving the convenience of a cloud-style service, but without the cloud-style lock-in and pricing.

New improved VPS pricing

June 25th, 2020 by

Time passed and everything grew.

We have just rolled out a substantial update to our price list for virtual private servers.

The new price list is significantly better value, and also introduces the ability to specify storage independently of RAM and CPU. Servers can be configured with either SSD or HDD-backed storage, with sizes ranging from 5GB to 4TB.

This is immediately available in all six VPS zones: London UK (HEX, MER and SOV), Cambridge (UK), Amsterdam (NL) and Fremont (US).

Better prices

Our base prices for virtual servers have decreased, making them even better value with prices now starting from £47/year. CPU, RAM and disk space have all fallen in price. The only price we haven’t reduced is our IPv4 address pricing, but we have held that constant, despite the continuing depletion of the world’s limited supply of these legacy addresses.

More options

We have expanded our range of products. To meet customer demand for larger servers, we’ve now added 192GB and 256GB options with up to 16 cores. We’ve also introduced additional intermediate products.

More capacity

In addition to adding our US zone recently, we have added more capacity in all four of our UK zones to support upgrades and additional customers.

New OS images

We have also improved our standard OS images to support our new enhanced DNS infrastructure. We’re now automatically recreating and retesting them, rather than security updating on first install. This reduces the amount of time taken for your VPS to be provisioned in all of our sites.

Existing customers

We have always avoided unsustainable introductory pricing, and “new customer only” offers. We prefer to reward loyalty, which is why existing customers have already received an email with details of a specification upgrade that puts them on an even better deal than our new list pricing.