Managed WordPress Hosting

Let Mythic Beasts take care of keeping your WordPress website running and secure, so that you can concentrate on your content.

User ID:

Pay for your server annually and get 12 months for the price of 10.

Price RAM Disk Cores Number of sites
WordPress|Business 20 4GB 20GB SSD 2 8
WordPress|Business 40 8GB 40GB SSD 2 8
WordPress|Business 60 16GB 60GB SSD 4 8
WordPress|Business 80 32GB 80GB SSD 6 8
WordPress|Business 100 48GB 100GB SSD 8 8


Our WordPress|Business packages provide WordPress hosted on your own virtual server for enhanced performance.

  • Choice of 4GB or 8GB VPS
  • SSD storage
  • Multi-site (network) support (optional)
  • Secure HTTPS hosting
  • 24/7 monitoring of your website
  • Daily backups
  • Monitoring of WordPress, plugin and theme security updates
  • Custom WordPress-hardening measures for enhanced security
  • IPv6 support