Co-location management

This page gives details on how to manage your co-located server. There are a number of management tasks you can perform on your machine.


Using the Customer Control Panel, you can power cycle your server: simply select the appropriate server, and click the Power Cycle Now button. This will turn the power off for 5 seconds, and then turn it back on. Needless to say, you should only use this option as a last resort, if your server has locked up, or a software-initiated reboot is not possible for some other reason.

Console access

We are currently in the process of migrating our serial servers to a new platform. If the serial server for your server has been migrated, you will see a Web Console link on its page in the control panel. You can use this to access the console in your browser. Please see the [console access](/support/servers/consoles) page for more information and other ways to access the console. If your serial server has not yet been migrated, you will see details of how to access the control on the control panel page for your server. The control panel page also shows the last 100 lines of console output.

Connect to the terminal server using ssh. Upon connection, you will be connected directly to the serial console of your server. If you press space immediately after connection, the terminal server will replay the last few lines of output from the serial console. In the event that your server has crashed with a kernel panic, this may display details of the crash.

Remote hands

If your server is unavailable and you are unable to revive it using the remote power control or serial console, the next step is to contact We will arrange for on-site personnel to attend the machine (for simple tasks), or for a visit from one of our engineers.

Physical access

If you require physical access to your server, please contact We will try to arrange a mutually convenient time for you to access your machine, although if you require immediate access to your machine, we will always try to accommodate you. We will need to accompany you.